All posts
- Tera v1 is here!
- Setting up a React+TypeScript frontend with Webpack — Part 2
- Setting up a React+TypeScript frontend with Webpack — Part 1
- Storing secrets in a git repository with git-crypt
- Managing environment variables with direnv
- Zola 0.6.0: start of multi-lingual sites
- Gutenberg is out, Zola 0.5.0 is in
- Atomic Design in Single Page Applications
- An overview of package management in Python in 2018
- Gutenberg 0.4.0: custom taxonomies, image processing and more
- Tera 0.11 is released
- Gutenberg 0.1.3: themes are in
- Releasing Gutenberg 0.1.0
- A different approach to routing in Single-Page Applications: now in production
- A different approach to routing in Single-Page Applications
- This month in my Rust projects
- Announcing Gutenberg, a static site engine
- My current frontend setup is pretty neat
- Releasing Tera 0.6 and thoughts on a validation crate
- Handling errors in Rust
- Releasing Tera 0.4 and state of my other crates
- A MobX introduction and case study
- Where to incorporate if you are a EU citizen
- Introducing Tera, a template engine in Rust
- Looking at payments solution for SaaS in Europe
- Writing my first Rust crate: jsonwebtoken
- Trying Rust for web services
- The Hacker News effect examined
- Using Protobuf instead of JSON to communicate with a frontend
- Comparing weathers in places I've lived
- Release of gulp-sass v2
- Migrating to gulp 4
- Starting a company
- Turning a laptop into a CCTV
- Finding trending things in Elasticsearch using python and redis
- Speeding up Django / PostgreSQL
- Trying out Rust
- Python wheels
- A template for Django REST Framework projects
- Switching to TypeScript
- Python testing: Factory Boy or Model Mommy
- Updating my AngularJS boilerplate
- Gulp by example